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E-mail Extended Text Details


This page contains lines which generates the actual text-lines in the e-mail. Each detail line will be shown as 1 line in the body of the e-mail.


Email Template Extended Text Details


Action Description
New Creates a new line above the current selected line. When to add a line at the bottom use the arrow-button: Down on the last line.
Edit List Changes the page to Edit-modus.
Delete Deletes the current selected line.
Select Opens the page: Field Lookup to select a desired field for the template. Line must be of Type:Field to trigger the action.


Field Description
Type Select the desired option, for a additional info see: Types.
Value Enter the desired text or coding.
Width -
Alignment Click in the field to choose, Left, Center, Right. When no entry is made, left alignment is applied.
Value Function Set The statement of the Function Set, only applicable when Type=Function Set.

Types {#Types}

Depending on the type selected on a line the functionality of the field: Value will change. The following types can be selected on a line:

Type Description
Text Actual text can be entered in the field: Value. To combine actual text and field-values in 1 line add a text-line with the value: {space} after the field-line so a space is added.
Field Opens the page: Field Lookup to select a field from tables related to the source-type of the e-mail template.
Function Set If the standard options are not sufficient, it is possible to generate additional values using Function Sets.
DateTime Will add a datetime-stamp to the e-mail text. Value must contain: DATETIME.

