Table of Contents

Job Queue


This article describes how the job queue works in Business Central. A job queue is basically an abstraction that uses the task scheduler from the platform to enable end users to view, create, or modify jobs that are set to run in the background. These jobs can be set to run on a recurring schedule.

For more global information see:


Job Queue Category Code.

Always select or create a Job Queue Category Code. This will make sure that a job queue entry with the same category code cannot be run simultaneously.

Maximum No. of Attempts To Run.

Specifies how many times a job queue task should be rerun after a job queue fails to run. This is useful for situations in which a task might be unresponsive. For example, a task might be unresponsive because it depends on an external resource that is not always available.

Specific functions are available for the various 3PL apps that allow background tasks to run.

Global tasks


Some things are sometimes so obvious that we still like to forget them. For example, periodically cleaning up your application. That way, addresses can no longer be used, but remain in your database. Clean your database (periodically) with the cleanup settings in Business Central or perform periodic cleanups with job queue entries. For detailed information see: Cleanup Setup

Data Integration: Create Messages

By setting up a job queue entry(taks 17) on Create Data Integration Messages, it is possible to create messages periodically. For example send a daily inventory summary to customers. An other reason for setting up the job queue Create Data Integrations is that work flows often needs to be done quickly. Sending a message can be made independent by setting up a job queue entry for this purpose.

Data Integration: Process Messages

This job queue entry(taks 18) will process the Data Integratioon Messages which are in status: NEW.

TMS tasks

Post TMS documents automatically

Practice shows that TMS documents often remain open for long periods of time due to various reasons. Example: A TMS document is handled, put on a new/next status, and then the system waits until the document is booked by you or your colleague. What can you do to automate this process (further)? Follow the steps as shown op page: Post TMS Documents Automatically to book your documents automatically:


This job queue entry will proces the sending the Messages SND-CONFIGURED-PTV to the PTV Route Optimizer by batch. Therefore orders/Sections will not be send individualy but as a batch. This will improve the process significant. Follow the steps on [Process DI Batch]