In the tab: Dataset is set how the data of a view is presented in the chart. Therefor it is necessary that a view is created first.
New Line
To add a new line above the selected line. Use the arrow-down key on the last line to add a line underneath the line. Action is only available when Published is unchecked.
Delete Line
Deletes the selected line. Action is only available when the field: Published is unchecked.
Show OData filter
To add additional translations for unsupported languages or to deviate from the default caption.
View No.
The number of the view on which the chart is based. Use the lookup to open the selection page for the views available.
Dispaly Name
The name of the view as selected in the field: View No.
Source Table
The Table on which the view is based on.
Catergorize On
Each chart contains categories. Use the lookup button to open a selection page and select on which field the data has to be categorized.
Options: Row Count to show the number of records or Field Sum if a total sum on the values in the field must be made.
Calculate On
Click on the lookup button to open a selection page and select the field on which the function as selected in the field: Type has to be performed.
Additional Filter On
Click on the lookup button to open a selection page and select a field on which a filter must be added.
Additional Filter Value On
Enter a filter value, to be applied on the field: Additional Filter On.
Is the view or chart available on the 3PL Web Portal.