Table of Contents

TAB: General


Contains the basic information on users who have access to the 3PL Web Portal.


Web Portal User General


Access filters must be set properly. By setting up a customer filter the web portal user can only access his company's data!


Group Action Description
Action (De)register User To register a new user or to deregister a user which should no longer have access to the 3PL Web Portal.
Action Reset 2FA To reset the two factor authorisation.
Action Copy User Configuration To copy a configuration from an other user.


Field Description
No. The Id of the user.
Contact No. The contact of the user.
Contact Name The name of the contact.
Registration e-mail The e-mail address to which an e-mail will be send to complete the registration. The receiver will have to install an authenticator-app.
App user ID If a valid ID has been entered the user can open 3PL Dynamics directly when clicking on a record in the 3PL Web Portal.
Enabled Use the action: Register User to check this field.
Status Click on the value: Get Status to see if a user is Registered.