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Document Cue


More information is following soon.

Configure Document Cue

Configure Document Cue Style

Document Cue Functions

Function (Code) Description Method
COUNT RECORD ANDOR On the WMS Processor Activity Setup functionality is added to be able to count records with fixed AND different OR filters. This gives you the opportunity to filter for example on Receipts with a fixed status filter and missing data on specific fields. For example when you have a Customs Department that wants a filter on Receipts with Order Type ENTREPOT in statuses 10 or 15 as fixed filters and as extra filters count if OR the Country of Origin is empty OR Country Purchased is empty OR NCTS/MRN is empty OR Customs Value is empty OR ... etc. This is available for the value-count and also available for the drilldown. Both in the function sets in Codeunit 11237189 with function codes "COUNT RECORD ANDOR" and "COUNTRECANDORDRLLDWN" Value FunctionSet
COUNTRECANDORDRLLDWN Drilldown Function for "COUNT RECORD ANDOR" Drill Down FunctionSet



See the page: Cue setup for an example on setting up a cue.