Table of Contents

Document Handling Entries


For each unique document created/processed by the Document Handling Setup a record will be logged.


Document Handling Entries


Action Description
Edit List Switches from read to modify mode.
Show record Opens the page with the record on which the entry is based on.
Print Document Creates a report-file based on the entry.
Download Printed Document Downloads the printed document.
Delete Printed Document Deletes the printed document.
View Call Stack Opens the page: File Viewer in which the Call stack is presented when an error has occurred during the processing of document entries.
Download Call Stack Downloads the Call Stack file.

When errors occur during the process the status will change to: ERROR. After resolving the error the status can be changed to: NEW to process the entry again.


Field Description
Entry No. The unique number of the entry.
Print Status The status of printing on the entry.
Email Status The Status of E-mailing on the entry.
Report ID The Report Id applicable on the entry.
Object Type The Object Type applicable on the entry.
Object Caption The name of the object ID.
Table ID The Table ID applicable on the entry.
Document No. The document No. on which the entry is based.
Exception Shows the reason when an error has been raised .