Table of Contents

Document Handling Setup


By creating a line in the Document Handling Setup documents can be created automatically when records are posted. The only exception on this is the line based on reports. This line will generate reports based on a schedule.


Document Handling Setup


Group Action Description
- New A new line will be created above the current selected line. Use the arrow-down key on the last line to add a line underneath the line.
- Edit list switches from read to modify mode.
- Delete Deletes the currently selected line.
Home Per Contact Opens the page: Document handling per contact.
Functions (re)initialize -


Field Description
Table Id The table on which the document handling line is set up.
Created on The date/time on which the document handling line has been set up.
Apply E-mail template The E-mail Template applicable on the document handling line.
Function call When the Document Handling must be triggered from a status-change this field must be checked. Use function: 11154680 - 15 'Mail Document' in the Status Template
Table Filter By setting a table filter specific document handling can be set up on different types. For example WMS Document Header: Receipt or Shipment.
Camera Quality %
User-id The user which has set up the line.