Table of Contents

E-mail Template


Email templates can be used to set up the layout of an email to be send from 3PL. Multiple lines can be entered so templates for different documents are created such as Sales-invoices, TMS-Orders, TMS-Trips, WMS-receipts or WMS-shipments.

Data Model


E-mail Template


See page: Creating a new E-mail template for a detailed example.


Action Description
New Adds a new line above the current selected line.
Edit List Changes from the view-modus to the edit-modus.
Delete Deletes the current selected line.
Make a Copy Generates a copy from the current selected line.
Extended Text Opens the tab: E-mail Extended Text List list to setup the template per language code.
Import Package Creates new e-mail templates from a json-file.
Export Package Generates a json-file containing the setup of the e-mail templates. Filters can be applied to select specific templates.


Field Description
Code An unique code for the e-mail template.
Description The description of the the e-mail template.
Source Type Use the drop-down-button to select the desired table applicable.
Source Type2 Use the drop-down-button to select the desired value.
Send To Use the drop-down-button to select the desired Contact No. Only applicable if e-mail is to be sent to same contact.
Send Option -
Split per document check the box if a separate email should be created/sent for each document.
To E-Mail Address Select the option: E-mail Invoice if the template is created for sending: Sales invoices.
Font Name Enter the name of the font to be applied on the template.