Table of Contents

Status Templates


Status templates are necessary for creating process flows on masterdata and documents. By changing the setup of the status templates, it is possible to customize the workflow.

Status templates are normaly setup on the following entities:

Entity Component
Addres All Boltrics 3PL Dynamic components.
Contact All Boltrics 3PL Dynamic components. For more information on the Contact Status Template see page: Status Template Contact.
Contract All Boltrics 3PL Dynamic components.
Customer All Boltrics 3PL Dynamic components.
Grouped order TMS.
Order TMS.
Planned activity TMS.
Purchase invoice All Boltrics 3PL Dynamic components.
Resource TMS.
Sales invoice All Boltrics 3PL Dynamic components.
Sections TMS.
Trip TMS and WMS.
Vendor All Boltrics 3PL Dynamic components.


The page Status Template consists of 2 tabsheets:

Tab: General

The basic information on the Status Template.


Field Description
Code The unique code of the template
Description The description of the template
Table No. The number of the table on which the template applies
Tabel Caption The name of the table to which the template applies

Tab: Lines

For each process step, a line must be defined.


Field Description
Document Code Use the dropdown-button to select the required code.
Status The unique code of the statusline.
Description The description of the statusline.
No. of linked Processes Click on the value to open the Functions. It is possible to attach multiple functions to a line. Here one can choose from a wide range of functions from the library.
No. of Steps Click on the value to open the Steps related to this specific status line. Use the button: Steps in the header if a step applies to all status lines.
Initial Status When creating a new document in the process, it will be given the status of the line where this field is check-marked.
Previous Status If a user clicks the previous-status button on a document the status will be switched to the status named. If multiple statuses have been entered, by using a wildcard or pipeline, the user will be prompted to select from the statuses shown.
Next Status If a user clicks the next-status button on a document the status will be switched to the status named. If multiple statuses have been entered, by using a wildcard or pipeline, the user will be prompted to select from the statuses shown.
Editable Is it allowed to edit the document in this status.
Data Integration Use the dropdown-button to select the required action on a Data-integration if applicable.
Delete Blocked Is it not allowed to delete documents having this status.
Log Status Change A status-log-line will be added to the document for each change to this status.
Select Reason Code A user will be required to select a reason-code when changing into this status.
Posting allowed -
Include Invoice Run Service lines related to the document having this status will be available for invoicing.
Include by Purchase Reservation -
Use WIP -
Include in Warehouse Proposal Specific WMS functionality. -
Init Batch Status Code Specific WMS functionality. -
Init Carrier Status Code Specific WMS functionality. -
Send attachements -
Detail Lines Blocked Is it not allowed to modify detail line of documents having this status.
Receipt Blocked Specific WMS functionality. -
Receipt Detail Line Blocked Specific WMS functionality. -
Shipment Blocked Specific WMS functionality. When selected the Action: Status Blocking Details can be openened.
Shipment Detail Line Blocked Specific WMS functionality. -
Transfer Blocked Specific WMS functionality. -
Create Transfer Blocked Specific WMS functionality. -
Transport Blocked -
Inventory Blocked -
VAL Order Blocked -
VAL Input Blocked Specific WMS functionality. -
VAL Output Blocked Specific WMS functionality. -
Shipment Lines Selectable Specific WMS functionality. -
Revenue/Cost Lines Editable Is is allowed to edit Revenue- and/or Cost lines.
Cost Lines Blocked -
Revenue Lines Blocked -
Packaging Lines Editable Specific WMS functionality. -
Blocked for Transport -
Plannable TMS-Sections with this status are available for planning onto a trip.
Update APS Only applicable when a data-integration with an Advanced Planning System is setup. Data-updates on Addresses- , Resources and/or Transportorder can be triggered by a statuschange.
Transport Status Type Specific TMS functionality. Use the dropdown-button to select the required type. By linking the correct type to the line, the correct status is returned to the linked Planned activities, sections and Orders during the trip planning process.
Declaration Allowed -
Folder Setup Specific FMS functionality -


On the status line the following actions can be selected:


When there are integrations with external parties then it may be necessary to translate statuses to the status recognizable by the external party.



By setting up authorizations only a specific User or users within a Profile can change apply the status related.
