Table of Contents



An order basically contains a specific agreement for a customer regarding what goods are to be transported from A to B on what date.




The order page consists of a number of tabs. Depending on the personalization-settings not all tabs will be shown automatically to each user/role.

Name Description
General Among other things, the client, order type, date and status are recorded here.
Container If the order concerns the transport of a container, the specific details of the container can be specified here. The container number and type are recorded on the Lines.
Shipping The sender, loading address, requested loading date and time, recipient, unloading address and requested unloading date and time are recorded here.
Lines The lines of goods to be transported are defined here.
Package The lines of packages to be exchanged.
Revenues The revenue lines to be charged to the customer.
Costs If specific costs apply to the order
Invoicing Based on the settings on the customer, these fields are filled automatically. If required, values can be changed.
Track Trace The information relating to the realization of the order .
Additional loading/unloading addresses The additional loading and/or unloading addresses that apply. Adding a line will add a new linked-order automatically.

Fact boxes

A number of fact boxes can be displayed in which additional information applicable to the order is shown. Depending on the personalization-settings not all Fact-boxes will be shown automatically to each user/role.

Name Decription
Customer Statistics A number of values related to the Customer of the order, for example the Total Balance.
Steps The steps related to the order.
Additonal step The additional steps related to the order.
Order Some values of the order, for example, the totals of the planning units of the goods lines.
Restrictions Loading The restrictions applicable to the loading address.
Restrictions Unloading The restrictions applicable to the unloading address.
Cash on Delivery The Amounts applicable on the order if Cash On Delivery is applicable.
Invoicing The totals of Revenues and Costs on the order.
Calculation The revenues and costs at different stages of the order.
Record Links Webclient The documents linked to the order, e.g. the e-mail containing the order or the signed CMR-document.
Links (incl. documents) The linked documents on the order. When an WMS-TMS integration is realized also links based on the related WMS-Receipt or WMS-Shipment will be shown


Load meters

Load meters are often used in road transport. A 1 load meter is equal to 1 linear meter of cargo space in the truck/trailer. An euro pallet (80x120 cm) is 0,4 load meter and 1 block pallet (100x120 cm) is 0,5 load meters.

Payable weight

The payable weight is the maximum value of the Gross Weight, the Volume multiplied by the volume conversion factor and the Load meters multiplied by the load meter conversion factor. The default conversionfactors are set in the Transport Setup. Tab: Unit Of Measure. Often a volume conversion of 300 kg and load meter conversion of 1.750 kg is applied. If desired per Contract a specific coversion can be set on the page: Contract Line, Tab Tariff Quanity Norm. The paying weight gives the possibility of calculating the matching revenues based on a real load.

Devided revenues or costs

When revenues or costs are divided in 3PL it is done on the basis of payable weight.



Orders can be entered manually in 3Pl or automatically generated through the function: Excel import, Data integration or by Recuring orders After entering an order, the controls set up in the status transition will check whether all necessary fields have been filled. Which fields can of course differ per company configuration. The following fields must contain a value:

  • Sell to Customer No.
  • Order Type
  • Posting Date (automatically determinated)
  • Status (automatically determinated on Action:Next Status)
  • From Address No.
  • Loading Date From
  • To Address No.
  • Unloading Date To
  • Quantity
  • Unit of Measure Code

By changing the status of an order to: Released the following topics are effected:

  • Check on mandatory fields.
  • Creation of Sections. Depending on the Section Configuration this may result in 1 or more sections.
  • Creation of Revenues.
  • Creation of Packages, when applicable.
  • System checks (for example: validation of dates)