The tab: Revenue on an order contains the revenue-lines which are/will be invoiced during the invoicing proces. When an order is released and TMS Contracts has been setup the revenue lines must appear automatically. It is also possible to add revenue lines manualy.
New Line
A new revenue-line will be created above the current selected line. When no lines excist click in the line to start creating a line. Use the arrow-down key on the last line to add a line underneath the line.
Delete Line
The current line will be deleted.
Copy Credit/Debit Lines
A page will be opened to enter filters so specif lines can be coppied.
Use the drop-down button to select the required code. For each types of revenue a service has to be created.
The description belonging to the service selected. It is possible to adjust the value. The description will be shown on the sales-invoice-line.
The quantity applicable to the revenue.
Unit of Measue code
The code applicable to the revenue. Can either be a Unit of Measure Code or a %.
Unit Price
The unit price per quantity if applicable.
Line Amount
The amount to be charged on the service.
Invocie No.
Will show the value: Invoice Number when the revenue has been placed on a posted invoice.
Invoice date.
Will show the value: Invoice date when the revenue has been places on a posted invoice.
Currency Code.
The code for the currency to be charged. By default this value will be coppied from the Customer.