Table of Contents



A customer is an entity for doing business for or an entity who is paying Sales Invoices(Bill to Customer).


New Customer

Before a customer can be created, a contact must be created first. Click on the contact on Actions>Create as>Customer and select the appropriate customer template. A new customer will be created based on the contact.



For more information on setting up the customer templates see: Customer Vendor Template

A new customer has been created with the status: 10-NEW. A member of the financial department will complete the customer. Important field for purposes of the invoicing process:

Field Comment
Customer Price Group The contract with the customer price group will be automatically applied to new orders.
Invoice info Description code By selecting a code, specific order information can be added automaticaly to the sales invoice line.
Payment Terms The agreed payment terms.
POD Mandatory for invoicing If enabled, an order will only be processed in the next invoice run when a Proof Of Delivery has been registered.
Tax Registration No. The VAT number of the customer, the number will be automatically validated with the VIES.
