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Tab: Track Trace


Information on planned and actual loading and unloading of the order.



Field Description
Pickup - Planned loading date When an order is planned on a trip the Planned Loading Date will become available.
Pickup - Planned loading time When an order is planned on a trip the Planned Loading Time will become available.
Delivery - Planned unloading date When an order is planned on a trip the Planned Unloading Date will become available.
Delivery - Planned unloading time When an order is planned on a trip the Planned Unloading Time will become available.
Realized - Actual Pickpup date When an order has been collected the Planned Loading Date will become available.
Realized - Actual Pickpup time When an order has been collected the Planned Loading Time will become available.
Realized - Actual Delivery date When an order has been delivered the Planned Unloading Date will become available.
Realized - Actual Delivery time When an order has been delivered the Planned Unloading Time will become available.
Delivered by = Trip No. The tripno on which the order has been delivered.
Delivered by - Execution The type of Execution on the trip on which the order has been delivered.
Delivered by - Truck The unique code of the truck on the trip on which the order has been delivered.
Delivered by - Driver The unique code of the driver on the trip on which the order has been delivered.
Delivered by - Carrier Description The name of the carrier number on the trip on which the order has been delivered.