Table of Contents

Tab: General


The tab: General on an Order contains the general information on the order like Customer, ordertype, Department and status.



Group Subgroup Action Description
Home - Sections Opens the page Section of Sectionlist when the order contains more than one section.
Home Excecute Contract Strategy Excecute Contract Strategy Applies the Contract Strategy and generates revenue on an order.
Home Excecute Contract Strategy Calculate Revenue/Cost Based on de order and Contracts revenue-lines will be created on the order.
Home - Add optional Revenues/Costs Opens the page Revenue list so surcharges can be added manualy to the order.
Functions - Print Opens the page: Reports Selections with the reports that can be printed on the order.
Functions - Steps Opens the page: Steps with all steps that apply to the order.
Functions - Linked Order More information to follow.
Functions - Create Grouped Order A new Grouped Order will be created. User personalisation to add the field: Grouped Order to the page.
Functions - Copy Document Opens a selection page to select the options for copying the document. Various templates for settings can be created.
Functions - Insert Goods More information to follow.
Functions - Insert Package Opens the page Packaging to registered packages loaded/unloaded on the order.
Functions - Create request Opens the page: Request so a new ticket can be created and reported to Boltrics Support department.
Functions - Create Warehouse Documents Opens the page: Steps with all available docments.
Functions - Preview Opens the page: Bleuprint Editor for editting the CMR.
Functions - Create Irregularity Opens the page: Irregularity so a new irregularity can be created.
Functions Create Template Create Template Opens the page: Template list, so a new Template can be added based on the current order.
Functions Create Template Apply Template Opens the page: Template list, so template can be selected to apply on the current order.
Functions Create Template Overview Template Opens the page: Template list with all templates available.
Functions - Create Warehouse Documents More information will follow soon.
Functions - Create Irregularity Opens the page Irregularity to register irregularities on the order.
- Next Status Next Status Changes the status of the order to the next status. What status is depending on the settings in the Status Template: Order.
- Next Status Previous Status StatusChanges the status of the order to the previous status. What status is depending on the settings in the Status Template: Order.
Post Post Post Posts the order and move the order to the Posted order list. .Click on the dropdown-button to select other posting options
Post Post Post and e-mail Posts the order and move the order to the Posted order list and apply the e-mails as scheduled when posting.
Post Post Post and Print Posts the order and move the order to the Posted order list and print the documents as scheduled when posting.
Post Post Post Batch Opens a selection page to set filters to select a range of orders to be posted.
Order - Comments Opens a page to manage the comments on an order.
Order - Features Opens the page Features to add specific characteristics to the order.
Order - Conditions Opens the page Conditions to add specific conditions applicable to the order.
Order - Data Integrations Opens the page Data Intergration Messag List to view the messages received/sent related to the order.
Orer - Show Shows a map of the route from loadingaddress to unloadingaddress.
Analysis - Document Links Opens the page Document Links with all documents related to the order.
Analysis - Links Opens the page Links with all files related to the order.
Analysis - Register Exceptions Opens the page Abnormality to manage the abnormalities on the order.
Analysis - Register Bookslot Opens the page Bookslot to manage the bookingslots applicable to the order.
Actions Functions Archive Creates an archive document of the current order.
Related Order Document Reference Opens the page Document Reference to register specific physical documents related to the order. Click on the dropdown-button to select other posting options.
Related Order Restrictions Opens the page Restriction to manage the restrictions on the order.
Related Order Archive Opens the page Archive Document List to view previously archived versions on the order.
Related Order Emails Opens the page Email list to view the e-mails sent from the order.
Related Order Deviations Opens the page Command Divergences to view the registered divergences on the order.
Related Order Irregularities Opens the page Irregularity to view the registered irregularities on the order.
Related Order Dimensions Opens the page Dimensions to view the dimensions registered on the order.
Related Order Cahs on Delivery Opens the page Cash On Delivery to view the Cash on delivery details on the order.
Related Order Carriers Opens the page Document Carriers to view the carriers recorded on the order.
Related Order Posting Erros Opens the page:Posting Errors to view the reason why the Job Queue Post TMS Documents Automatically has not been succesful.




Additional fields can be made visable through personalisation.

Field Description
No. The number is not shown as a field as this number is presented in the title of document.
Sell-to Customer No. Use the dropdown-button to select the desired customer.
Name The name of the customer as selected in Sell-to Customer No.
Sell-to City The city in which the customer is situated.
Order Type Use the dropdown-button to select the desired Order-type
Customer Reference The reference provided by the customer for a specific order.
External Document No. When orders are being proces via a Data-integration or WEB-portal an External document can be entered.
Order Date The date on which the order has been received
Posting Date The date on which the order and revenue have to be booked.
Status The currenct status of the order based on the status Template. When clicking on the button: ... the statuslog of the order will be shown.
Section Configuration No. On releasing an order the corresponding Section Configuration will be determinated.
Section Configuration Description The name of the Section Configuration Description as selected in Section Configuration No.
Section Configuration Filter Code The filter code as setup in the Section Configuration.