Table of Contents

Message type


The following Data Integration Types can used in Message configuration:

DI Message Type Description
RCV_APS_TRIP To create TMS_Trips based on messages received from PTV, See PTV Route Optimizer Integration.
RCV-TRIP WMS FROM TMS To create WMS-Trips based on TMS Trips as a part of the WMS-TMS integration. Message type must be combined with SND-TRIP TMS TO WMS.
SND-CARRIER To send messages when outsourcing trips from 3PL to carriers based on the Message Configuration Functionality.
SND-CONFIGURED-PTV To send messages to PTV based on orders/Sections. See PTV Route Optimizer Integration.
SND-PDF To print PDF-documents from 3PL using the Boltrics Print Service.
SND-TRIP TMS TO WMS To export the TMS Trips as a part of the WMS-TMS integration. Message type must be combined with RCV-TRIP WMS FROM WMS.
SND-TRIP-TRIMBLE To send messages based on Trip/Boardcomputer Log Entries to Trimble-boardcomputers using the Trimble Fleet Portal.
SND-WMS-TO-TMS To Create TMS orders based on WMS-orders as aof the WMS-TMS integration.
SND-ZPL To print ZPL-labels from 3PL using the Boltrics Print Service.