Table of Contents

Message Type SND CARRIER


The SND CARRIER message can be used to send a XML-file based on the Message Configuration to a Carrier.

Message Type SND CARRIER

Json code snippet: SND CARRIER

Copy the following Json-snippet to a text-file and use the action: Import Package on the page: Data Integration Message Type to import the snippet.


Field F26 must contain a valid URL with the location on which the message must be delivered.

  "Header": {
    "UserID": "BOLTRICS",
    "ExportDateTime": "2024-03-27T00:00:00.00000000",
    "Database": "TMS Master Data ",
    "Company": "TMS Masterdata."
  "Content": {
    "T11191367s": {
      "TableNo": 11191367,
      "TableName": "3PL DI Message Type",
      "Records": [
          "T11191367": {
            "Fields": {
              "F1": "SND-CARRIER",
              "F10": "Send trip to Carrier",
              "F15": "2",
              "F16": "11172838",
              "F17": "100",
              "F18": "3PL DI Msg. Config. Functions",
              "F19": "Send a message based on a message configuration code.",
              "F21": "1",
              "F26": "",
              "F30": "true",
              "F33": "true",
              "F90": "2024-03-27T00:00:000",
              "F91": "BOLTRICS",
              "F92": "2024-03-27T00:00:000",
              "F93": "BOLTRICS"