Table of Contents



A section contains a loading- and unloadingaddress and is linked to an Order. An Order always contains a minimun of 1 section. When an order is cross-docked at a depot or a coupling action takes place an additional section will be added. There is no limit on the number of sections on an Order. Example of an order with 2 sections, cross-docking at Botrics, Ede: Section example


Section(s) are created when an Order changes status and the Status Template contains the function: Update Sections. By setting up Section Configuration automatically cross-dockings can be applied to create multiple sections.

Sections in the status: Released are available for planning on trips. During the planning process users can manually add or delete sections.

Structure sections

The following diagram shows which components are involved in processing a new order up to the sections to be planned.


Component Description
Department A Department can be entered on an order.
Plandepartment A PlanDepartment can be entered on an order.
Order An Order contains information like when for which customer what goods have to be transport from address A to B.
Splitting When releasing an order one or more sections are being created.
Section Configuration The number of sections to be created is depending on the Section configuration.
Planbox configuration Dependig on the from- and to-address in the section and the volume of the goods the planbox is determinated automatically when creating sections.
Section When sections are being created a Department , plan Department en Planbox are determinated automatically.

Posting sections

Sections can be posted just like Orders and Trips. Posting of documents will rarely be synchronous. This necessitates that documents are sometimes shown in both as a unposted document and a posted document. Documents that are in both unposted and posted documents have the value: Yes in the field: Posted. Only when all related documents are posted the documents will no longer be shown in the unposted documents. For example:Order A consists of 2 sections: 1 and 2. Section 1 is planned on trip 1 and section 2 is planned on trip 2. Trip 1 has been executed and Trip 2 has not yet been executed. If Trip 1 is posted this trip will be visible in both the unposted and posted trips. This allows users to click through to the trip on both the unposted and posted trips.