Table of Contents

Tab: Lines


The tab: Container on an order contains specific information only applicable on container-orders



Group Action Description
Manage New Line A new line will be created above the current selected line. Use the arrow-down key on the last line to add a line underneath the line.
Manage Delete Line The current line will be deleted.
Function Archive Creates an archive document of the current orderline.
Function Create Irregularity Opens the page: Irregularity to register Irregularity on the goods transported.
Line Features Opens the page Features[] to add specific characteristics to the goods transported.
Line Conditions Opens the page Conditions to add specific conditions applicable to the goods transported.
Line Archive Opens the page Archive Document List to view previously archived versions on the orderline.
Line Detail Lines Opens the page Order Detail Lines to view the specific products registered on the orderline.
Line Document Reference Opens the page Document Reference to register specific physical documents related to the orderline.
Line Carriers Opens the page TMS Document Line Card Tab: Document Carriers to view the carriers/handling units related to the orderline.




It is advisable to use personalization to hide fields not applicable to the company.

Field Description
No. Use the drop-down button to select the desired type of goods.
Description The decription of the goods.
Quantity The number of units to be transported on the order
Unit of Measure Code Use the drop-down button to select the desired Unit of Measure.
Manual Unit Conversion Checking this field removes the conversion by number and unit. Can be usefull when transporting stacks of empty europallets.
Carrier quantity Only applicable when the intergration WMS-TMS is operational.
Handling Unit Type code Only applicable when the intergration WMS-TMS is operational.
Euro Pallet The 1st planning unit field. See Unit of Measure conversion for automaticall determination.
Block Pallet The 2end planning unit field. See Unit of Measure conversion for automaticall determination.
Gross Weight The 3rd planning unit field. The total weight of the goods transported on the order.
Net weight The 4th planning unit field. The total net weight of the goods transported on the order.
Load Meter The 5th planning unit field. The lenght(front/back) used by the goods to be transported on the order.
Colli The 6th planning unit field. The number of items to be transport on the order.
Pallet Unit Place The number of pallet positions on the Order.
Volume The volume of the goods to be transported on the order.
Max. Tariff Quantity The Max payable weight based on the conversion as setup in Transport Setup tab: Unit of Measure.
Length The length of a single unit of measure.
Width The width of a single unit of measure.
height The height of a single unit of measure.
Container Type Use the drop-down button to select the required type. Only applicable on a order of the type: "Container shipmment"
Container No. The unique number of the container. Only applicable on an order of the type: "Container shipmment".
Seal No. The seal applied on closing the container.
Dangerous Goods Code Only applicable to goods classified as hazardous cargo.
Flashpoint Only applicable to goods classified as hazardous cargo.
Packinggroup Only applicable to goods classified as hazardous cargo.
Marine Pollutant Only applicable to goods classified as hazardous cargo
Proper shipping Name Only applicable to goods classified as hazardous cargo.