Table of Contents

Tab: Shipping


The tab: Shipping on an order contains specific information on the sender, loading address, recipient and unloading address.



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Field Description
Sender Code Use the dropdown-button to select the desired Address of the sender of the order. The addres must have the Type: Sender-Address.
Sender Name The name of the address as selected in Sender Code.
From Address No. Use the dropdown-button to select the desired address where the order has to be loaded.
From Address Description The name of the address as selected in From Address No.
From Address Street The street and housenumber on which the address is situated.
From Address Post Code The post code of the address.
From Address City The city in which the address is situated.
From Address Country Code The country code in which the address is situated.
From Address Phone No. The phone number of the address.
Loading Date From The date on which the order is available to collect.
Loading Date To The date on which the order must be picked up at the latest.
Loading Time From The time on which the order is available to collect.
Loading Time To The time on which the order muust be picked up at the latest.
Load Reference The reference required to collect the order
Ship-To Code Use the dropdown-button to select the desired Address of the recipient of the order. The addres must have the Type: Consignee-Address.
Ship-To Name The name of the address as selected in Ship-To Code.
To Address No. Use the dropdown-button to select the desired address where the order has to be unloaded.
To Address Description The name of the address as selected in To Address No.
To Address Street The street and housenumber on which the address is situated.
To Address Post Code The post code of the address.
To Address City The city in which the address is situated.
To Address Country Code The country code in which the address is situated.
To Address Phone No. The phone number of the address.
Unloading Date From The date on which the order may be delivered.
unlLoading Date To The date on which the order must be delivered at the latest.
Unloading Time From The time on which the order may be delivered.
UnlLoading Time To The time on which the order muust be delivered at the latest.
Unload Reference The reference required to deliver the order.