Table of Contents

TAB: E-mail Extended Text Lines


This page contains the lines which are shown in the body of the e-mail.


E-mail Extended Text Lines


Action Description
New Line Creates a new line above the current selected line. When to add a line at the bottom use the arrow-button: Down on the last line.
Delete Line Deletes the current selected line.
Edit Opens the page E-mail Template Extended Text Details in edit-modus.
View Opens the page E-mail Template Extended Text Details in view-modus.
New Creates a new entry.


Field Description
Line Source Type Click on the lookup-button and select the desired table in case data from a related table is to be shown in the e-mail.
Line Source Type Filter Click on the lookup-button to select the desired field from the table.
Text Click in the field to open the page: E-mail Template Extended Text Details to enter text and/or codes.
Placeholder Code -

To create a blanc line on an e-mail add a line with the type: Text and value: {space}.