Table of Contents

TAB: Fields


The tab: Fields is only shown when the field: Type in the tab: General contains the value: Lines. Each line in the tab: Fields contains a field. These fields are shown as columns in the 3PL Web Portal.


Web Portal View Fields


Action Description
New Line To add a new line above the selected line. Use the arrow-down key on the last line to add a line underneath the line. Action is only available when Published is unchecked.
Delete Line Deletes the selected line. Action is only available when the field: Published is unchecked.
Move Up Changes the position of the selected line with the line above.
Move Down Changes the position of the selected line with the line underneath.
Translations To add additional translations for unsupported languages or to deviate from the default caption.


Field Description
Field Caption The name of the field. Use the lookup to open the selection page for all fields available.
Type The type of the field as selected in the field: Field Caption.
Data Type The data type of the field as selected in the field: Field Caption.
Show on List Checkbox if the field is to be shown on the listpage.
Show on Card Checkbox if the field is to be shown on the cardpage.
Style Code By adding a style-code the presentaton of a field can be influenced. For example weight-field can be shown as ROUND-0 so no decimals are shown.