Table of Contents

Set up: Contact / Vendor

Step 2 of 3


If a new vendor is applicable a Contact has to be created first:

  1. Open the page: Contacts by clicking in the menu on : Master Data > TMS Master Data > Contacts and Addresses > Contacts
  2. Click on the Action: New on the page: Contacts.
  3. Enter values in the following fields:


Field Description
Name Enter the full name of the contact
Type Select either Company or Person depending on the type of contact.
Address Enter the streetname and number.
Country/Region Code Click on the dropdown-button to select the appropiate country code.
Zip Code Enter the postcode for the contact.
Language Code Click on the dropdown-button to select the appropiate language code.
  1. Create a vendor from the contact. Click on: Actions > Functions > Create As > Vendor
  2. Select the appropiate template based on the country in which the vendor is situated.

Vendor Template Selection

When the template has been selected a message will be shown that a new Vendor has been created.

Go to the next page to see how to set up a Vendor Contract.