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Set up: Vendor Contract

Step 3 of 3

Contract Header

A new contract has to be set up:

  1. Open the page: Contacts by clicking in the menu on : Master Data > TMS Master Data > Contracts and Agreements > Contracts
  2. Click on the Action: New on the page: Contracts.
  3. Enter values in the following fields:

Contract Header

Field Description
Source type Must contain either: Vendor, Vendor Price Group or All Vendors.
Source No. A vendor or Vendor Price Group must be selected.
Valid From Date Must contain a date.
Valid to Date May be empty or contain a date in the future.

Contract Lines

Prices are often depending where from and to the transport has to be carried out. For each area a line must be created.

  1. Click in the Tab: Lines on the Action: Manage > New Line.
  2. Enter values in the following fields:

Contract Line

Field Description
Price Determination Type Must contain either: Trip or Trip Section.
- Trip: if price are determinated on the values on the trip, for example duration or distance.
- Trip Section: if prices are determinated on the sections planned on a trip, for example when outsourcing multiple sections to a vendor.
Valid From Date Must contain a date.
Valid to Date May be empty or contain a date in the future.
Area Code Click on the dropdown-button to select the appropiate area-code.

Contract Detail Lines

Per service charged by the vendor a detail line must be created. For example: Transport, additional stops, etc.

  1. Click in the Tab: Detail Lines on the Action: Manage > New Line.
  2. Enter values in the following fields:

Contract Detail Line

Field Description
Line Type Click on the dropdown-button to select the appropiate type Transport or Surcharge. Only apply surcharges on detail level when applicable to a specific Contract Line. For general surcharges use the Action: Home > Surcharge/Discount on the Contract header.
Service No. Click on the dropdown-button to select the appropiate service code for the costs the vendor is charging.
Valid from Date Must contain a date.
Valid to Date May be empty or contain a date in the future.
Base Amount Only fill in when the same base amount is applicable on all transported quantities.
Unit Price Only fill in when the same unit price is applicable on all transported quantities.
Price per Quantity Only fill in when the same unit price is applicable on all transported quantities.
Unit of Measure Code Click on the dropdown-button to select the appropiate Unit of Measure Code.
Quantity Calculation Click on the dropdown-button to select the appropiate Agreement Quantity Calculation function. See Function Set Entries for more info on functions.

Contract Line Prices

If the prices charged by the vendor are depending on the amount of good transported, multiple line-prices must be entered.

  1. Click in the Tab: Detail Lines on the Action: Line > Graduaated Price.
  2. Click in the Tab: Lines on the Action: *New *
  3. Enter values in the following fields:

Contract Line Prices

Field Description
From Quantity The minium quantity related to the Quantity Calculation in the Contract Detail Line.
To Quantity The maximum quantity related to the Quantity Calculation in the Contract Detail Line.
Base Amount Fill in if a fixed amount is applicable on the line.
Unit Price Fill in if a price per unit is applicable on the line.
Min. Amount Only Fill when a Unit Price and a minimum amount is applicable.
Max. Amount Only Fill when a Unit Price and a maximum amount is applicable.

By completing the vendorcontracts the settings for the functionality: Compare Vendors are completed!