Table of Contents



An area is a combination of one loading region and one unloading region. Areas are being used in the following functionality:



Each area created will be automatically prioritized. This priority is visible on the page: Plan Box List. The priority consists of 4 digits. The first 2 digits are on loading and the last 2 digits are on unloading. Through priority, 1 specific area will always apply

Type Priority
Address 01
Address Region 02
Post Code 03
Post Code Region 04
City 05
City Region 06
County 07
County Region 08
Country 09
Country Region 10
Other 11
Port 12
Port Region 13

Through priority, 1 specific area will always apply when determining order revenue or applying the section- and Planbox Configuration


Field Description
Code. The unique code for the area.
Description The description of the area.
Type Fixed value on the first line: Load. Fixed value on the second line: Unload.
Region Type Use the drop-down-button to select the required region-type.
Code Use the drop-down-button to select the required value. The selection of values depends on the Region Type selected.