Table of Contents

Function Set Entries


By setting up Function Set Entries a range of flexible functions can combined to be used in StatusTemplates, Steps and some specific fields, for example the Invoice Info Description Code on the Customer.

Example of a Function Set Entries: Function Set

Field Description
Codeunit ID Select from a list the required Codeunit
Function Code Select from a list the required Function Code
Description The description related to the Function Code
Parameter Values The statement based on the parameters as entered on the Tab:Parameters
Table No. The table on which the
Tabele Filter Select from a list the required Table on which the Function Set Entries is to be applied
Blocked When True this line is no longer excecuted
End Execution Select Always or When Result Found to stop the excecution of the Function Set Entries
On Different Table No. Select the reuired option from the list

Function Set Entries can be copied by using the actions Copy Last Function Set. To copy a Function Set Entries from a RAPP-environment to a PROD-environment use the action: Copy Json to Clipboard in the RAPP, go to the PROD, click on the action Edit Json and paste the set

List of functions sets

The following table contains a number of functions. By clicking on the link a page with the Json-code can be opened so it can be coppied to 3PL Dynamics.

Applicable Area Value Result function Set
Agreement Quantity Calculation / Criteria EXTRA_STOP Filters orders within the linked order, not being the order with the highest value in field:Kilometer. This function will apply each suborder as as stop.
Agreement Quantity Calculation / Criteria FIXED Function will always return 1 so can be used if only 1 price is set in a contract detail line.
Agreement Quantity Calculation / Criteria FUEL_SURCHARGE Calculates the amount of fuel surcharge based on the Fuel Clause.
Agreement Quantity Calculation / Criteria KM_MAX Filters the order with the highest value in field:Kilometer within the linked orders.
Agreement Quantity Calculation / Criteria KM_TRIP Returns the numnber of kilometers on a trip. The parameter used will select either the planned, actual or agreed number of Kilometers
Agreement Quantity Calculation / Criteria SECTION_FIRST Determinates if a section is the first section of an order.
Agreement Quantity Calculation / Criteria SECTION_NOT_FIRST Determinates if a section is not the first section of an order.
Agreement Quantity Calculation / Criteria UNLOADAM Will check if a condition is set on the order so a surcharge can be applied.
Agreement Quantity Calculation / Criteria UOM_QTY Returns the total quantity of the the specified UOM on the order.
Agreement Quantity Calculation / Criteria WEEKEND Will chekc if an order. is (un)loaded on the days set in the parameters of the function.
Devices NEW_TASK_ACT Creates a task to send the planned activities of a trip to a device.
Devices DEL_TASK_ACT Creates a task which removes planned activities of a trip which were previously sent to a device
Devices GET INTERNAL VALUE Determinates which Internal Value is applicable based on a external value received in a Device Activity
Devices COPYSTR Converts the first 10 charactres of a field to a new value
Invoice Info Description Code DOCNO. A string with the documentnumer on which the revenue is based
Invoice Info Description Code EXT_DOC_QT A string with the the external document number and quantity on which the cost is based
Invoice Info Description Code UOM_QTY_AR A string with the Unit Of Measure Code, The Quantity and the Area based on the agreement on which the revenue is based
Sections GET_DEPARTMENT Determinates the Department on a section based on the Routingstrategy
Sections GET_PLAN_DEPARTMENT Determinates the Plan Department on a section based on the Routingstrategy
Sections GET_PLANBOX Determinates the Plan Box on a section based on the Routingstrategy
Sections NORM_TIME Calculates the norm times on sections based on the Norm time Strategy
Status template STATUSCHANGE_ON_REVENUE The status of the order will be changed depending on wether there are revenue lines.
Transport Conditions Code MAX_LENGTH_WIDTH_HEIGHT Adds a condition to the order or section with the maximum length, width and height.
Trip (TMS) EMISSION_CALCULATE Will calculate the emission on a Trip and device the emission-entries over the Sections planned on the Trip.
Trip (TMS) EMISSION_METHOD Defines on what method the emissions are based on at Trip.
Trip (TMS) SET_TRIP_ACT_DATE_TIME Copies the actual starting date/time and ending date/time from the boardcomputerlog to the Trip-header.
Trip (TMS) SEND_WHAT_SAPP_MESSAGE Creates device task log which sends a What's App Message to the driver of the trip with a tripreport.
Visual Planning LAYER_FILTER filters the unplanned section on Loadmeter<=3