Table of Contents

Routing Strategy


By setting up Routing Strategy, it is possible to assign sections automatically to a specific Department,Plan Department and Plan box. For example based on an Ordertype and destination a Department can be determinated. Based on the Department and Region the Plan Department can be determinated. Based on the Plan Department and Region the Planbox can be determinated.


Routing strategies can be set up individually for Departments, Plan Departments and Plan Boxes. The setup is the same for all strategies, only the Routing Type differs.


To apply routing strategy the function: 11172845-6 must be added to the status template of a section.

Routing Strategy Header

Routing Strategy Header

Field Comment
Code An unique code.
Strategy Type Select Department, Plan Department or Plan Box depending on the strategy to be created.
Description A text which describres the Routing Strategy.
Valid From Date The date from which the Routing Strategy is valid.
Valid To Date The date on which the Routing Strategy ends.

Routing Strategy

Routing Strategy Lines

Field Comment
Priority The Routing Strategy determination starts with the first prio. When the TMS Document applies the filters and conditions that line will executed.
Description A text which describes the Routing Strategy Line.
Valid From Date The date from which the Routing Strategy Line is valid.
Valid To Date The date on wich the Routing Strategy Line ends.
Table Filter Set up a table filter on the document, when the filter applies this line will executed.
Criteria Code Select a Criteria code, when the criteria applies this line will executed.
Region From Code Select to a Region . When the from address is in this region, this line will executed.
Region To Code Select to a Region code. When the to address is in this region, this line will executed.
Area Select to an Area code. When the from and to address are in this area, this line will executed.
Reverse Regions By checking this parameter values in the Region From Code en Region To Code will be reversed as well.
Skip Depot in Region Check
Result Department When there is no Routing Strategy Detail Line and Strategy type is Department the Department is validated on the TMS Dcument.
Result Plan Department When there is no Routing Strategy Detail Line and Strategy type is Plan Department the Plan Department is validated on the TMS Document.
Result Plan Box When there is no Routing Strategy Detail Line and Strategy type is Plan Box the Plan Box is validated on the TMS Dcument.

Routing Strategy Detail Line

Routing Strategy Detail Line

Field Comment
Priority The Routing Strategy determination starts with the first prio. When the TMS Document applies the filters and conditions that line will executed.
Description A short text which describes the Route Detail Line.
Valid From Date The date from which the Routing Strategy Detail Line is valid.
Valid To Date The date on wich the Routing Strategy Line ends.
Table Filter Set up a table filter on the document, when the filter applies this line will executed.
Criteria Code Select a Criteria code when the criteria applies this line will executed.
Region From Code Select a Region . When the from address is in this region, this line will executed.
Region To Code Select a Region code. When the to address is in this region, this line will executed.
Area Select an Area code. When the from and to address are in this area, this line will executed.
Reverse Regions By checking this parameter values in the Region From Code en Region To Code will be reversed as well.
Skip Depot in Region Check
Result Department When the line applies this Department is validated on the TMS Dcument.
Result Plan Department When the line applies this Plan Department is validated on the TMS Dcument.
Result Plan Box When the line applies this Plan Box is validated on the TMS Dcument.

Best Practice Example

  1. Department The demo-envirionment is setup with two divisions/Departments: International and National(The Nethterlands). The first Routing Strategy can be set up as shown in the following screenshot:

Routing Strategy Example 1

  1. Plandepartments The department National is divided into the following Plan Departments: North, West, East, South and Central. The second Routing Strategy can be set up as shown in the following screenshot:

Routing Strategy Example 2


Additional lines must be set up for each region and Plan Department. NL North, NL South and NL Central.

  1. Plan Boxes Each plan department is divided in several planboxes. For example Plan deparment: NL East is divided in Planboxes: Achterhoek, Drente, Twente and Zwolle. The third Routing Strategy can be set up as shown in the following screenshot:

Routing Strategy Example 3


For each line the related Detail lines must be set up conianting the correct Result Planbox.