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Contract Adjust Price Wizard


On the Contract an action is available Function>Adjust Prices. This action will start a wizard to help the user to add new Contract Detail Lines for a new date-range.


The wizards consist of 5 steps.

Step 1: New duration

Wizard Step 1

  • On the current Contract Detail Lines the Valid To Date must contain a date in the distant future, for example 31-12-9999.
  • The wizard will create new Contract Detail Lines using the New Valid From Date and New Valid To Date.
  • On the current Contract Detail Lines the Valid To Date will be replaced with the New Valid From Date mentioned in the wizard - 1 day.

Step 2: Set Filters

Wizard Step 2

Option Description
Agreement filter By default the current contract will be mentioned. If required the filter can be adjusted.
Agreement Line Filter It is adviced not to change these filter settings.
Agreement Detail Line Filter Adjust the filter and add values in the fields: Service No. and Line Type. Without these values the wizard will not work.

Step 3: Methode of adjusting

Wizard Step 3

Select which methode of adjusting the prices is required and select a rounding option.

Step 4: Value to adjust

Wizard Step 4

Enter the value to be used to adjust the price.

Step 5: Finish wizard

Wizard Step 5

Confirm to start adjusting the Contract Detail Lines


To check the results on the Contract Detail Lines remove the filter on the field: Valid To Date.