Table of Contents

Tab: General


The tab: General contains the general information on a Contract Strategy. For example the customer and the period the contract Strategy is valid.


Contract Strategy


Action Description
Copy A page with filter settings will be opened to select which Contract Strategies must be copied.
Export (JSON) A json-file with all data of the Contract strategie will be exported. Click on the dropdown-button to select the option: Import (JSON) to import data from a json-file.


Field Description
No. The unique number of the Contract Strategy.
Description A description of the Contract Strategy.
Source Type Click on the drop-down button to select the desired option:Customer, Customer Price Group, Vendor, Vendor Price Group, All Customers, All Vendors
Source No. Click on the drop-down button to select the desired value.
Source Description The value of the source as selected in Source No.
Application Area Fixe value: TMS.
Valid from Date The date from wich the contact stategy is valid. By setting a date, it is possible to enter new contract strategy in advance that only become valid from that date.
Valid to Date The date on wich the contract strategy expires.