Table of Contents



A Employee is a person who has an contract to work for the companty.

Driver employee


The employee page consists of a number of tab sheets. Depending on the personalizatin-settings, not all tabs will will be shown automatically to each user/role.

Tab: General

The basic information on the Employee.


Tab: Address & Contact

The privat address of the employee.

Employee Address & Contact

Tab: Administration

Additional information on the contact of the employee.

Employee Administration

Tab: Personal

Additional information on the employee.

Employee Personal

Tab: Attributes

When additional fields are required on an employee an attribute-field can be setup in AttributeSetup

Tab: Payments

Additional information on the bank-account of the employee.

Employee Payment


Additional information to register for example additional training/certificates of the employee. Employee Qualification


The registered absence of the employee. Employee Abesences


New absence records have to be created on page: Abesence Registration.