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TMS Status Template


This page contains information on setting for specific TMS-status-templates. For more information on the functionality: Status Templates see: Status Templates.



The status template: TMS-order is applicable on the workflow of TMS-orders.

The status template: TMS-Order will be installed automatically when activating the 3PL Market Place App: TMS Basic Setup. If introducing automatic orders via Excel Import Order or Data Integrations in an existing environment the status template has to be adjusted. The following lines have to be added to the status template:

1. Status 05-IMPORT

Only fields which require values are mentioned in the list below:

Field value Remark
Document Code ORDER
Status 05-IMPORT
Description Import
No. of linked processes 3 See Linked Processes
Previous Status 05-IMPORT
Next status 06-CHECKAUTO
Editble True
Log status change True
Revenue Lines Editable True

Linked Processes 05-IMPORT

The following function(sets) have to be applied:

Sequence Object Type Object ID Function ID Trigger Parameters Execute Function Set
10 Function 11154680 75 On before status change -
20 Function 11172845 342 On after status change Customer reference=True,
External Doc No=True,
Plan Department=True
30 Function Set - - On after status change - Paste Json Snippet: Set Status 06-CHECKAUTO

2.Status 06-CHECKAUTO

Only field which require values are mentioned in the list below:

Field value Remark
Document Code ORDER
Description Check address automatically
No. of linked processes 2 See Linked Processes
Previous Status 05-IMPORT
Next status 15-CALCULATE
Editble True
Log status change True
Revenue Lines Editable True

Linked Processes 06-CHECKAUTO

The following function(sets) have to be applied:

Sequence Object Type Object ID Function ID Trigger Criteria Function Set Execute Function Set
10 Function Set - - On after status change Paste Json Snippet: Document Addresses>0. Paste Json Snippet: Find Address
20 Function Set - - On after status change Paste Json Snippet: Document Addresses=0 Paste Json Snippet: Set status 15-CALCULATE


Only field which require values are mentioned in the list below:

Field value Remark
Document Code ORDER
Description Check address manually
Previous Status 05-IMPORT
Next status 15-CALCULATE
Editble True
Log status change True
Revenue Lines Editable True