TMS Web Portal
This page contains information on the default TMS Web Portal pages which can be installed from the 3PL Market Place.
Users can add and modify pages if required. For general information on setting up and editing the Web Portal see: Generic - Web Portal
Navigating the webportal
Depending on the type of a page, users can navigate the web portal in different ways. The following functions are available:
Window | Functions |
Menu | On the left side a menu-bar is shown. Type a value in the search field to find a page in the menu. Click on a title to expand or collapse the menu. Click on a menu option to open the corresponding page. The menu can be collapsed by clicking on the button: Collapse menu. |
Dashboard | Click on the maginfier to open a chart in a full page modus. Click on a value in the chart to open the list of records related to the chart. |
List page | Type a value in the search field at the top of the page to locate a specific record. Click on the button: +Add filter to apply filters. Click on the assist button to save or reset filters. Click on the Export button to export the data shown to Excel. Click on a title of a column to change the sorting of the records. Click on a record to open the card of the record. Click on the download button to download files attached to a record. |
Card page | Click on the download button to download files attached to a record. |
1. Transport Orders
A chart showing the number of Transport Orders per catergory. By default this is on: Ordertype. To set a different category, open the Web Portal View: VIEW200. Set the parameter: Published to: Disabled, change the value: Categorize on and finaly set the parameter Published to: Enabled.
2. Order volume (kg)
A chart showing the total ordervolume based on weight per catergory. By default this is on: Ordertype. To set a different category, open the Web Portal View: VIEW200. Set the parameter: Published to: Disabled, change the value: Categorize on and finaly set the parameter Published to: Enabled.
3. Transport orders status
A chart showing the number of Transport Orders per category. By default this is on: status. To set a different category, open the Web Portal View: VIEW200. Set the parameter: Published to: Disabled, change the value: Categorize on and finaly set the parameter Published to: Enabled. As the chart shows both Transport Orders and Posted Transport Orders the same change has to be applied to: VIEW201.
TMS Orders
1. Transport Orders
A page showing records of Transport Orders. If other colums have to be presented open the Web Portal View: VIEW200. Set the parameter: Published to: Disabled, apply changes to the lines on the tab: Fields and finaly set the parameter Published to: Enabled.
2. Posted Transport Orders
A page showing records of Posted Transport Orders. If other colums have to be presented open the Web Portal View: VIEW201. Set the parameter: Published to: Disabled, apply changes to the lines on the tab: Fields and finaly set the parameter Published to: Enabled.
1. Sales Invoices
A page showing records of Sales Invoices. If other colums have to be presented open the Web Portal View: VIEW100. Set the parameter: Published to: Disabled, apply changes to the lines on the tab: Fields and finaly set the parameter Published to: Enabled.
2. Sales Credit Memo
A page showing records of Sales Credit Memo's. If other colums have to be presented open the Web Portal View: VIEW101. Set the parameter: Published to: Disabled, apply changes to the lines on the tab: Fields and finaly set the parameter Published to: Enabled.
Check the Boltrics Academy for more information: e-learning Web Portal 3PL