Table of Contents

Tab: Activities


Bases on the sections planned on a trip the activities will be genereted. Additional activities like; START, END, RESOURCE-On, RESOURCE-OFF, DRIVE and REST will be added automatically.




Group Action Description
Manage New Line More info to follow.
Manage Delete Line More info to follow.
Functions Create irregularity Opens the page Irregularity to register irregularities on the activity.
Activity Activity Section Opens the page Activity Section on which the ordernumbers related to the activity will be shown.
Activity Restricion Opens the page Transport Restriction on which the restriction applicable will be shown.
Activity Lines Opens the page Planned Activity Lines on which the goods-lines related to the activity will be shown.
Status Previous status Changes the status of the selected activity.
Status Next status Changes the status of the selected activity.


Field Description
Action No. The type of activity.
Description The full description of the activity.
Planned Starting Date The date on which the activity is planned to start.
Planned Starting Time The time on which the activity is planned to start.
Address No. The address no. on which the activity is planned.
Address City The city of the address on which the activity is planned.
Status The status of the activity.
Kilometer the distance of the driving-acivity.
Euro The sum of the 1st planning unit field on the section lines related to the section. See Unit of Measure conversion for automaticall determination.
Block The sum of the 2end planning unit field on the section lines related to the section. See Unit of Measure conversion for automaticall determination.
Kilogram The sum of the 3rd planning unit field on the section lines related to the section. See Unit of Measure conversion for automaticall determination.
Load Mtr. The sum of the 4th planning unit field on the section lines related to the section. See Unit of Measure conversion for automaticall determination.

The table ride activities contains a field : Ready. This field can only be made visible via page inspection. When completing an action from an on-board computer/driver app, this field is filled with the value yes.