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Document Handling Schedule


The schedule can be set on Document Handling Per Contact lines to manage the frequency of execution of the document handling. For each document it will create a Document Handling Entry.

The following default schedules are set up:

  • continuous
  • Hourly
  • WorkingDays
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly


Document Handling Schedule Continuous


Action Description
Execute Starts the schedule
Activate Will activate the schedule and changes the status to: Ready.
Set On Hold Will pause the schedule.


Field Description
Code A unique code for the schedule.
Description The description of the schedule.
Status The status of the schedule, either: On Hold or Active.
Start Date The date from which the schedule is applicable. Field must contain a value.
Last Run Date The date on which the schedule was processed the last time.
Last Run Time The time on which the schedule was processed the last time.
Last Run End Date The date on which the schedule was completed the last time.
Last Run End Time The time on which the schedule was completed the last time.
Monday Checked if the schedule has to run on a Monday.
Tuesday Checked if the schedule has to run on a Tuesday.
Wednesday Checked if the schedule has to run on a Wednesday.
Thursday Checked if the schedule has to run on a Thursday.
Friday Checked if the schedule has to run on a Friday.
Saturday Checked if the schedule has to run on a Saturday.
Sunday Checked if the schedule has to run on a Sunday.
Nex Run Date The date on which the schedule has to run the next time.
Next Run Time The time on which the schedule has to run the next time.
Frequency (hours) The frequency in hours on which a schedule has to run.
Frequency (Formula) The frequency set by a Business Central Formula. For example 1D, 7D, 1W, 3M
Continue Checked if the schedule has to run Continuous.
After next start date-time Automatically generated. Will show the next + 1 start date-time. Based on the Next Run Date-Time and the Frequency values.

Example Weekly

If on a weekly basis on Monday at 06:00 hours the schedule has to run: Document Handling Schedule Weekly