Table of Contents

Function: Calculate sum of expected shipment carrier quantity.


Object Id: 11154680 Function Id: 95

Purpose of function

When a shipment contains a number of orderlines with various products and various unit of measurements and quantities it will help the user to determine how many carriers a shipment finaly will contain when all orderlines have been repacked to carrier units.

See TMS & WMS Order integration for setting up this functionality.

Application Area

The function can be used in the status-template on a WMS-Shipment.


The function will calculate the expected number of carriers based on the Shipment-lines and the settings, Handling Unit Type Unit of Measure per customer-itme and the transport Carrier Grouping.


Name Description
UPDOCLIN Default set value to: 1
ROUND 0=No rounding, 1=rounding
STDEQUIV Default set value to: 1