Table of Contents

Step: Create E-mail Advanced


Object Id: 11154868 Function Id: 37

Purpose of step

The function will create and send an e-mail from 3PL.

Application Area

The step can be used in both TMS- as well as WMS-documents or in a status-template.


A maximum of 5 reports can be generated and attached to the e-mail.


Name Description
EMAILTEMPLATE The code of the E-mail Template to be used.
EMAILFIELD The field based on which the e-mail should be sent to.
REPORTID The report which should be generated and attached to the e-mail.
LAYOUTID The lay-out code.
CUSTOM_LAYOUT Custom Report layout.
SUFFIX Append this lay-out after generated attachment.
PARTNERCODE Partnercode.
MAILGROUPCODE Mail Group code.
REPORTLISTID Enter the Report List no.
01. REPORTNO Enter the Report No. of the first report to be generated and added to the e-mail.
01. TABLENO Enter the Table No. Supported tables are: 36, 112, 11154663, 11154660, 11172786, 11154851, 11191375, 11154856, 111548..
01. DOCUMENTTYPE Related Document Type (0=Self; 1=Receipt; 2=Shipment; etc.)
01. LAYOUTID Layout Code.
01. ORDERTYPE OrderType Filter.
01. APPEND LAYOUT Append this lay-out after generated attachment.
01. CUSTOM_LAYOUT Append this lay-out after generated attachment.
02. REPORTNO Enter the Report No. of the second report to be generated and added to the e-mail.
02. TABLENO Enter the Table No.
02. DOCUMENTTYPE Related Document Type (0=Self; 1=Receipt; 2=Shipment; etc.).
02. LAYOUTID Layout Code.
02. ORDERTYPE Order Type Filter.
02. APPEND LAYOUT Append this lay-out after generated attachment.
02. CUSTOM_LAYOUT Append this lay-out after generated attachment.
03. REPORTNO Enter the Report No. of the third report to be generated and added to the e-mail.
03. TABLENO Enter the Table No.
03. DOCUMENTTYPE Related Document Type (0=Self; 1=Receipt; 2=Shipment; etc.).
03. LAYOUTID Layout Code.
03. ORDERTYPE Order Type Filter.
03. APPEND LAYOUT Append this lay-out after generated attachment.
03. CUSTOM_LAYOUT Append this lay-out after generated attachment.
04. REPORTNO Enter the Report No. of the fourth report to be generated and added to the e-mail.
04. TABLENO Enter the Table No.
04. DOCUMENTTYPE Related Document Type (0=Self; 1=Receipt; 2=Shipment; etc.).
04. LAYOUTID Layout Code.
04. ORDERTYPE Order Type Filter.
04. APPEND LAYOUT Append this lay-out after generated attachment.
04. CUSTOM_LAYOUT Append this lay-out after generated attachment.
05. REPORTNO Enter the Report No. of the fifth report to be generated and added to the e-mail.
05. TABLENO Enter the Table No.
05. DOCUMENTTYPE Related Document Type (0=Self; 1=Receipt; 2=Shipment; etc.).
05. LAYOUTID Layout Code.
05. ORDERTYPE Order Type Filter.
05. APPEND LAYOUT Append this lay-out after generated attachment.
05. CUSTOM_LAYOUT Append this lay-out after generated attachment.
SMTP_BACKGROUND Fill if you want to send the email in the background via SMTP.
SMTP_FROM_CONTACTNO Enter the From Contact (It requires an Email Account to be set up).
ATTACHMENT_SELECTION Fill this if you want to show a file selection dialog (Record Link).
INCLUDE_ATTACHMENT Include RecordLinks With Attached Document TRUE.
SAVE TO DOC. STORAGE Save report PDF to document storage and add record link.
BCCMAIL Enter a value if the BCC-email value from the Document Storage Setup is to be used.
ATTACHMENT_MERGE Merge attachments: =Separate attachments; 1=Merge all attachments into single file.
CCCONTACTNO Add Contact Mail in CC.
BCCCONTACTNO Add Contact Mail in BCC.
ADDATTACHMTLINKDDOCS Include RecordLinks from Linked Documents.
EMAILTO Fixed To-Emailaddress iso EMAILFIELD.
ADDRECIPIENTS Add default Recipients from Record.
VENDOR FILTER PARTY Sets Limit Total Filter Vendor Filter based on a Document Party Vendor.
ADD USER TO BCC Optional: Add contact e-mail of user to BCC recipients.
ATT LINKED DOC TYPE Optional: Doc. Type Filter to Retrieve Record Links from Related Document(s).
ATT LINKED TABLENO Optional: Table No Filter to Retrieve Record Links from Related Document(s).
USETIMESTAMP Include Timestamp in Filename.
SKIP_SEND_EMPTY_BG True: Skip send background mail if MailTo is empty.
ALL ADDRESS PARTIES true: Add all address parties, false: Add party code address parties.


Send an e-mail to a vendor to outsourced a TMS-trip.

Name Description
REPORTID 11172690
SMTP_FROM_CONTACTNO planning@.....