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Operational use of Data Integration

In Practice integrations are setup by the Integration Specialists, after the setup and configuration the integration will be operational. The operational use of the integration is described in this article.

Messages are sent and received and processed automatically. Inbound messages can be processed directly (eg via webservice or the job queue) or they can be processed manually. For outbound messages there are triggers setup in the system (Agreements, Status Events, etc) that will send the messages.

Job Queue Entries

To have the system run the integrations in the background two Job Queues Entries have to run in the system:

  • 11154689 - WMS Job Queue Task- Function ID 17 (Data Integration: Create Messages): This task is used for creating outbound messages, eg. scheduled agreements fox example a stockoverview
  • 11154689 - WMS Job Queue Task- Function ID 18 (Data Integration: Process Messages):This task is used for processing inbound and outbound messages which has the Processing: Batch Make sure that this job queues entries ar running in the correct way. More information about the Job Queue Entries can be found in the Job Queue Entries documentation.

Message Processing

In the DI Message Log (search for Message Log) you can find all the messages that are processed by the system, both inbound and outbound. The status of a message can be:

  • New: The message is created and is ready to be processed by the Job Queue Entrie 18. Don't processes this message manually, because it will be processed by the Job Queue Entry 18. If it is not proccessed for a long time, check the Job Queue Entry 18.
  • Processing: The message is being processed.
  • Processed: The message is processed successfully.
  • Skipped: The message is Skipped.
  • Failed: The message is processed but failed. The reason of the failure is shown in the Error Message field.

Failed Messages

When a message fails, the reason of the failure is shown in the Error Message field. The error message can be used to solve the problem. There can be several reasons why a message fails, eg: Customer Item No. not found, Customer No. not found, etc. Most of the time the errors are caused by invalid master data. Make sure that the master data is correct and that the message can be processed. To check the content of a message click on View -> Content This will show the content of the message, you can see the content of the message and check if the master data is correct.

Once the error is solved, the message can be processed again. This can be done by clicking on 'Home -> Process Message'. The message will be processed again and the status will be updated. Before processing the message again, it needed to change the status to New. This can be done by clicking on 'Home -> Set Status to New'. The status will be changed to New and the message can be processed again via the button 'Home -> Process Message' or automatically by the Job Queue Entry 18.

Best Practices


In practise to have an direct overview of failed messages you can setup a Cue in the Rollecentre in order to have a direct overview of the failed messages. This can be done by creating a Cue. For more information about creating a Cue see the Cue documentation. On the rolecentre is an Page item available called: Error Activities. In the Page Item a Cue is included 'DI in Error'. This Cue shows all the messages that are in error. This can be used to have a direct overview of the failed messages.


On each Message Type you can fill in an eMail address. This eMail address will be used to send an eMail when a message fails. This can be used to inform the responsible person about the failed message. Make sure that the mailbox is monitored and that the responsible person is informed about the failed message.

Processing a single message

For inbound testing it can be handy to just test one message. Go to the Message Types and click on 'Action -> Other -> Import single Message'.

Cleunup of the Message Log

In time there can be a lot of messages in the Message Log. To keep the system agile its recommended to cleanup the Message Log. This can be done by setting up the Cleaunp Process. For more information about the Cleanup Process see the Cleanup Data Process documentation.


If you want to have a more detailed understanding how to integratie via Data Integrations you can follow the online training courses in the Boltrics Academy. For example: E-learning Integration with the standard