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When creating or updating an address the function: Geocode address without userinterface will be started, if included in the status template address. An API-call will be made at PTV to check the Address. If a match is found geo-information is returned and added to the address.

The following geo information will be presented on the Tab: General of the address: AddresGeoCoding


GeoCode Score

PTV xLocate Server is able to calculate a total score indicating the overall quality of the address candidate. The parameter: Score TotalScore is calculated using result fields: Town Classification, PostalCode Classification and Street Classification. Each classification is mapped to a value. The sum of these values is divided by the maximum reachable value for this result address. It is displayed as a percentage.

GeoCode Classification

Enumeration of legal values for the address candidate classification. The classification of an address candidate is based on the quality of the match.

Code Description
NOT_CLASSIFIED No classification is available.
LOW The address candidate has a low quality.
MEDIUM The address candidate has an average quality.
HIGH The address candidate has a close match to the input.
EXACT The address candidate can be considered as exact.
UNIQUE The address candidate can be considered as unique. In addition to EXACT, UNIQUE indicates possible candidates when batch geocoding addresses.

GeoCode Detail Level

Code Description
COUNTRY The candidate was found on country level.
STATE The candidate was found on state level.
EXTPOSTCODE The candidate was found on global postcode level.
CITY The candidate was found on city level.
CITY2 The candidate was found on city district level.
POSTCODE The candidate was found on postcode level.
STREET The candidate was found on street level.
HNRSECTION The candidate was found on house number section level. The address candidate does not contain an exact house number.
HNRLINK The candidate was found on house number link level.
HNRINTERPOLATED The candidate was found on house number level, the house number was interpolated.
HNREXACT The candidate was found on house number level, the data contained the exact house number.
INTERSECTION The candidate was found on intersection level, the result data is an intersection.