Table of Contents

Trip section planning


Setting TripSectionPlanRules allows certain checks to be performed automatically. For example: a section which contains a certain ordertype should not be planned on a trip from another ordertype.

Trip SectionPlan Rule

  • Only set up lines for combinations which are not allowed.
  • Filters on plan departments cannot be used.



Action Description
New adds a new line above the current selected line.
Edit List allows the user to modify the current line.
Delete Deletes the current selected line.


Field Description
Sequence The sequence of the line. Always apply a logical sequence.
Code A unique code for the line.
Description Enter a description of the message to be shown to the user. The variable %1 will show the ordernumber in the message. The variable %2 will show the tripnumber in the message.
Trip Table Filter Set the desired filter on the Trip.
Section Table Filter Set the desired filter on the Section .
Plan Rule Fixed value: Result.
Result Action Options: Error(the planning will be aborted), Notify(the planning will be continued).