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Function: Check Time Window


Object Id: 11172845 Function Id: 84

Purpose of function

The function will check if time-windows apply on the loading- and unloading times of an order.

Application Area

The function can be used in the status-template of the TMS-order.


When applicable time window conditions../appTMS/ added to the order on the change of status.


Name Description
TIME WINDOW CODE The code of the time-window on which the check has to be performed
ACTION TYPE Activity type: 1=Load; 2=Unload
DIALOG Show dialog on invalid date: 0=No Dialog; 1=Message; 2=Error
CHANGE DATE Update shipment date/time: 0=No; 1=First available time window
CALC. SERVICE LEVEL calculate service level: 0=No; 1=Yes
STATUS IF NO TIMEWIN Set document status if no matching time window
STATUS IF NO SERV.LEV Set document status if no matching service level