Table of Contents

Time Window


The time-window functionalitity helps users to identify orders which have specific requirements on loading or unloading in specific times-windows. Time-window conditions will be applied to these orders. The time-window condition also can be used in specific time surcharges in contracts.


By adding function: Check Time Window to the order statustemplate , Time-Windows conditions can be added to an order automatically. Time-window condition can be usefull during the planning process or can be used to apply surcharges in contracts.

Tab: General

Time Window General

Field Description
Code An unique code for the time window
Description A description of the time window
Application Fixed value TMS

Tab: Lines

If required multiple lines can be created so specific time-windows can apply only on loading and other time-windows on unloading.

Time Window Lines

Field Description
Description Load or Unload
Activity Type Create a line for both Load and Unload
Customer No. Blank
Address No. Blank
Order Type Blank
Area Type Blank
Area Code Blank
Region Code Blank
Item Condition Code Blank
Plan Box Code Blank
From Date Blank
To Date Blank
Blocked Check if line is no longer valid

Tab: Details

For each specific time-window a detail line must be created.

Time Window Details

Field Description
Time type Fixed value: Appointment
Blocked Check if line is no longer valid
Base Calender Code Select a calender-code so that time-windows only applies on specific days of the week or on specific dates
Starting Time The starting time for the time-window
Ending Time The ending time for the time-window
Condition Code Select the required conditioncode for Loading or Unloading the order for the specific time-window
Condition Value Enter an unique code for the line