Table of Contents

Device Task Configuration


Record that contains settings to link a device, a Message Configuration and Data Integration Message Type.


Device Task Configuration


Action Description
New Creates a new line.
Edit list Changes from view to edit-modus.
Delete Deletes the current selected line.
Outbound log Opens the page with the logging of the current selected line.
All Ountbound Log Opens the page with the logging of all devices/applications.
Test Trip Offers the user an option to view a test-message based on trip-data.


Field Description
Code An automatically generated code for the Device Task Configuration.
State Options: Enabled or Disabled.
Device Code The Device code applicable.
Brand The brand applicable on the device.
Model The model applicable on the device.
Sequence -
Task Event Options: New, Update, Delete
Trigger Type Options: Direct, Direct(session) or Manual.
Tabel No. -
Table Caption The name of the table as selected in field: Table No.
Table Filter The filter applicable on the table.
Criteria Function Set -
Outbound Function Set -
Message Configuration Code The Message Configuration Code to be applied on the message.
DI Message Type The Data Integration Message Type to be applied on the message.
Record to Process -