Table of Contents

Message Configuration Element


A Message Configuration Element is a line linked to a Message Configuration List. The Message Configuration Element presents the actual data of the message.


Message Configuration Element


Action Description
Manage Options: New Line and Delete Line.
Add Table fields To add a new line.
Add Record Set To add a set of lines.
Relations If a line contains the type: Record or Record Set a relation has to be set to link to the previous table. Clicking on the action will open the page: Message Configuration Line Relations.
Atrributes Additional attributes can be set on an element. For instance a Machtmode. -
Identation To (un)ident fields/elements.

Use the action: Test at the top of the page to test the configuration and create a preview of the message output based on actual data.


Field Description
Sequence No. The unique identifier for the line.
Type The following options:
- Field; the line will contain a single field, always indent relative to the previous line.
- Record; to add data of a single record to the message, always requires a relation.
- Record(no header); simmular as Record except no line will be shown in the message.
- Record Set; to add data of multiple records to the message, always requires a relation.
- Message Configuration; to link to a (sub) Message Configuration, the cell: Value must contain the name of the (sub) message configuration.
- Message Configuration(no header), simular as Message Configuration except no line will be shown in the message.
- Message Configuration Set; simular as Message Configuration except multiple records will be added.
Table No. The tablenumber of which the data is to be retrieved.
Tabel Caption The name of the tablenumber.
Set Name A name must be entered when the line-type contains the value: Record Set.
Name The name of the element to be used in the message.
Source The following options:
- Constant; to set a fixed value.
- Field; to add data to the element from a field, select the field in cell: Fieldno.
- Function Set; to add data to the element based on a Function Set, enter the functionset in cell: Value Function Set.
Data Type The following options, not mandatory:
- Text, if a fieldvalue is text.
- Decimal, if a fieldvalue is decimal.
- Integer, if a fieldvalue is a whole number.
- Boolean; if a fieldvalue is either Yes of No.
Value A value can be entered to be used as a fixed value.
Field No. The fieldnumber of which the data is to be retrieved.
Field Caption The name of the fieldnumber.
Attributes To add additional attibutes to an element.
Value Function Set A functionset can be used to link one specific field to an element.
Table Filter To set a filter on the table so only specific recors will be linked.
Criteria Function Set To add a Criteria Function Set to the line.