Table of Contents

Package Exchange Example 1: Full exchange


This page contains an example on the package exchange where:


Step 1 - Create Order

  • Create a transport order containing the following data:
Field Value
Customer CUS00001
Loadingaddress A0000004
Unloadingaddress A0000005
Quantity 12
Unit of Measure EUR
  • Release the order so that a section is created

Step 2 - Plan order on trip

  • Create a trip containing the following data:
Field Value
Excecution Self

Plan the section on to the trip. Change the status of the trip to: 60-CHECK

  • Make a scan of the signed CMR and link this scanned document as a recordlink to the order.

Step 4 - Complete the TMS Package Administration.

  • Open the page: Trips select the trip as created in step 2.
  • Click on the action: Trip > Package Administation.
  • Fill in the quantities as mentioned on the CMR, see the following screenshot:

Package Exchange Scenarion 1a


The registration of quantities exchanged can also be done on the page: Trip-card > Tab: Section Package or Order-card > Tab: Package.

Step 5 - Post package lines

  • Select all package lines
  • Click on drop-down-button next to the title: Section Package and select: Post current line(s).

To consult the postings created, see page: Package Ledger Entries

Step 6 - Consult the Package Balance

  • Open the page: Package Balance List

  • Click on the action: Update Package Balance. Confirm the date to which the balance has to be calculated. The following line will appear:

    Package Exchange Scenarion1b

The line states the balance: - EUR, the balance with the customer is balanced.


To consult the lines on which the balans is based, click on the action: Details.