Table of Contents

Tab: General


The tab: General on a trip contains the General information on the trip like Route and status.




Group Action Description
Home Document Links Opens the page Document Links with the documents linked to the trip.
Home Comments Opens the page: Comments on which comments on the trip can be entered.
Home Links Open the page Links which contains files related to the trip. See also fact-box: Links
Home Features Opens the page: Features. More information to follow.
Home Conditions Opens the page: Conditions. More information to follow.
Home Dimensions Opens the page: Dimensions. More information to follow.
Home Steps opens the page: Steps. More information to follow.
Home Print Opens the page: Reports Selections with the reports that can be printed on the order.
Functions Assign Sections
Functions Create Irregularity
Functions Calculate Based on the planned starting date/time, starting-address and planned sections the trip-activities will be calculated.
Functions Calculate Trip The trip is calculated based on the previous end of the previous trip. Also, the successive ride is calculated.
Functions Calculate Revenue/Cost
Functions Add optional Revenue/Costs
Functions Compare Vendors
Functions Create Request
Functions Insert Package
Functions Plan
Functions Apply Template > Apply Template
Functions Apply Template > Create Template
Functions Apply Template > Overview Template
Functions Post > Post
Functions Post >Post and Print
Functions Post >Post and E-mal
Functions Post >Post Batch
Next status Next status
Next status Previous status
Trip Activities
Trip Orders
Trip Irregularities Opens the page Irregularity to register irregularities on the trip.
Trip Restictions Opens the page Transport Restriction with the restrictions applicable on the trip.
Trip E-mails Opens the page E-mails which have been from the trip.
Trip Data Integration Opens the page Data integration which contains a log of messages received or sent on the trip.
Trip Boardcomputer Log Entries Opens the page Boardcomputer Log Entries which contains a log a the planned activities sent to the boardcomputer.
Trip Analysis > Resource ledger Entries
Related Trip > Manual Field Changes
Related Trip > Other > Trip Planning Setup The field: APS Active will automatically be set to: True if the Field: Route Optimizer on the page: PTV Setup is active. When manually changed to: False, the trip-action: Calculate becomese available to the user.


Field Description
No. The tripnumber is not shown as a field as this number is presented in the title of the document.
Route The value in this field is generated automatically based on the cities in which a stop is planned
Status The status of the trip