Table of Contents

Tab: Sections Sequence


The tab: Sections Sequence contains 2 lines(Load/Unload) for each section planned on the trip. In this tab the order of the section can be changed or an additional activity can be added.




Action Description
Up Moves the selected section one position up.
Down Moves the selected section one position down.
Add Additional Activity Starts a wizzard to add an additioal activity like borders, waypoints, Ferries etc. to the trip


Field Description
Sequence No. The sequence number of the section line.
Time Type The type of activity.
Name The name of the address of the section line.
Address The streetname and housenumber of the address of the section line.
Post Code The post code of the address of the section line.
City The city of the address of the section line.
Date From The date on which the section line may be started.
Date To The date on which the section line must be finished at the latest.
Time From The time on which the section line may be started.
Time To The time on which the section line must be finished at the latest.
Order No. The ordernumber related to the section line.
Quantity (Balance) The sum of the Quantity of the section lines related to the section. Based on the sectionline being completed
Euro (Balance) The sum of the 1st planning unit field on the section lines. Based on the sectionline being completed. See Unit of Measure conversion for automaticall determination.
Euro (utilisation) This value indicates the percentage of resources filled after the section line is completed.
Block (Balance) The sum of the 2end planning unit field on the section lines. Based on the sectionline being completed. See Unit of Measure conversion for automaticall determination.
Block (utilisation) This value indicates the percentage of resources filled after the section line is completed.
Kilogram (Balance) The sum of the 3th planning unit field on the section lines. Based on the sectionline being completed. See Unit of Measure conversion for automaticall determination.
Kilogram (utilisation) This value indicates the percentage of resources filled after the section line is completed.
Load mtr (Balance) The sum of the 5th planning unit field on the section lines. Based on the sectionline being completed. See Unit of Measure conversion for automaticall determination.
Load mtr (utilisation) This value indicates the percentage of resources filled after the section line is completed.