Table of Contents

Visual Planning - Marker Configuration


On the page Visual Planning - Marker Configuration Markers can be configured. A Marker is visual location on the Map of the Visual Planning based on either the loading- or unloadingaction of an Unplanned Section. If required multiple Marker Configurations can be configured and linked to a User in the Visual Planning - User Setup.

The page: Visual Planning - Marker Configuration can be opened from the role-centre by clicking on: Setup > TMS Setup > Visual Planning Setup > Marker Configuration.


Marker Configuration


Tab: General


Name Description
Code A unique code for the marker configuration.
Description A description of the marker configuration.

Tab: Lines


Name Description
New Line Creates a new line.
Delete Line Deletes the selected line.


Name Description
Include Marker Types Select one of the following options:
- Default
- Load Address
- Unload Address
- Selected Address
- Trip Stop Address
- Ready Trip Stop Address
-Trip Route.
Hexadecimal Color Enter a code to apply colour on the marker. See the Microsoft Control Add-in Style Guide.
Description Function Set More information will follow soon.