Table of Contents

Visual Planning


The page: Visual Planning offers functionality to create and/or modify trips by selecting unplanned sections from a map. The page includes functionality so users can customise the view to carry out their planning work effectively.

The page Visual planning is part of the menu: Planning & Execute on the Role Centre.


Starting Visual Planning

When opening the page: Visual Planning first a selection page is opened.




The page: Visual Planning contains serveral windows.

Visual Planning

  • The size of the windows can be modified by clicking and dragging the blue lines to the required position.
  • Click on the i-button on the right top of the page to show/hide the factboxes.
  1. Window Map
    A map showing markers related to the unplanned sections. By clicking on the appropiate action the view can be changed to: List of unplanned sections or Resource Dispatcher.
  2. Window Selected Sections
    A list of the sections selected in window 1. Below this list the totals of the selected sections is shown. By clicking on the appropiate action the totals can be hidden or the Goods Details can be added to the view.
  3. Window Trips
    A list of trips which have been planned.
  4. Window Activities
    The activities planned on the trip selected in window 3. By clicking on the appropiate action the view can be changed to the sections planned on the trip selected.
Action Description
Edit List Change to Edit Modus. In Edit Modus fields in the window: Trips and TripSections can be modified.
Refresh Refresh the page, new orders or updates will be applied.
Next Day Filter Change the view to the next day, Applies on all windows.
Previous Day Filter Change the view to the previous day, Applies on all windows.
Show Resource Dispatcher Changes the view of window 1. to Resource Dispatcher.
Show Unplanned Sections Changed the view of window 1. to Unplanned Sections.
Show Map Changes the view of window 1. to Map.
Hide Section Totals Hides the view of the totals of planning quantities of the selected sections in window 1.
Show Section Totals Shows the view of the totals of planning quantities of the selected sections in window 1.
Show Goods Details Shows the view of the Goods Details of the selected sections in window 1.
Hide Goods Details Hides the view of the Goods Details of the selected sections in window 1.
Show Activities Changes the view in window 4. to Activities planned on a trip.
Show Section Details Changes the view in window 4. to the planned sections of a trip.
Create Trip Creates a new trip based on the markers/Unplanned sections or resources selected in window 1.
Next status Changes the states of the selected trip in window 3.
New Trip Creates a new trip in window 3.
Select for planning To select(F7) a unplanned section or resource in window 1. To deselect click once more.
Calculate Activities To calculate the selected trip in window 3.

Window 1. Map

This window shows the markers related to the unplanned sections. Depending on the selected layers filters will be applied so more or less markers will be shown. When selecting a marker the sections will be shown in window:2.

Visual Planning Map

  • Markers related to depot will not be shown on the map.
  • Hover the mouse over a marker to show more info related to the marker.
Buttons Description
Button Plus Zoom in. Alternative: click on the map and scroll up with the mouse wheel. wheel. Click on the map an hold the left-button to reposition the view.
Button Minus Zoom out. Alternative: click on the map and scroll down with the mouse wheel. Click on the map and hold the left-button to reposition the view.
Button Draw Circle Draw circle to select markers. Deselect markers by clicking on the marker or remove the line from the selected sections(window 2).
Button Draw Square Draw square to select markers. Deselect markers by clicking on the marker or remove the line from the selected sections(window 2).
button Bin Action is obsolete.
Button Layers Open list of Layers. Select lines to apply filter on Markers shown on map.
Markers Description
Marker Load A marker of the type Loading.
Marker Unload A marker of the type Unloading.
Marker Selected A marker selected.
Marker Trip Stop A marker Trip Stop planned.
Marker Trip Stop ready A marker Trip Stop ready.

Window 1. Resource Dispatcher

This window shows the resources and the availability. For more information see: Resource Dispatcher

Resource Dispatcher


Window 1. Unplanned Sections

This window shows the sections which are not planned on a trip.

Unplanned Sections

  • To select a section click on the line and click on the action: Select for Planning(F7). The line will be assigned to the user and the font of the text will change. The section will also be shown in the window 2. selected sections.
  • To deselect a section assigned to a user, click on the line and click on the action: Select for Planning(F7).

Window 2. Selected Sections

This windows shows a list of sections which have been selected in window 1.


  • At the bottom of the list of sections the totals of the planning quantities are shown, this helps users to select sections wich will fit in a resource. The totals show both loading and unloading quanties because a user can select markers/sections of both types at once.
  • Click on the action: Show Goods Details to show all goods-lines applicable on the sections.
  • Click on the button: actions to open a menu with actions related to the selected line.
  • Click on the value in the field: No. to open the order page.

Example Goods Details: Goods Details

Window 3. Trips

This windows shows a list of trips planned.


  • When a line is selected window 1: map will show the route of the trip. [Window 4]. Stops completed will be shown in darker colour than stops planned. window 4: Planned sections/Activities will show either the sections planned or the activities of the trip.
  • Actions which can be used: New Trip, Edit list, Calculate Trip, Next Status and Previous Status.
  • Resources can either be entered manualy(edit list) or from window 1: Resource Dispatcher.
  • Click on the value in the field: No. to open the trip page.
  • Click on a step in the fact-box Steps(Trip) to execute a step related to the trip.

Window 4. Planned Sections/Activities

This window shows either the activities or sections planned on the trip selected in window 3: Trips.

Planned Activies: Planned Activities

Planned Sections: Planned Sections

  • Click on the action: Show Activities to show the planned activities of the trip selected in window 3: Trips.
  • Click on the action: Show sections to show the sections planned on the trip selected in window 3: Trips.
  • Click on the button: actions to open a menu with actions related to the selected section. For example: To move a section up or down or to deassign a section.


The following settings are applicable when using the visual planning.

Setting Description
Transport Setup The following settings are required :
- On the tab: General the field: Default Activity Calculation Type must be set to Manuals Activities.
- On the tab: Capacity: the Column:* Shortcut Capacity Level* must be set to: 1. for each resource.
Layer Configuration A configuration must be set to configure what data is shown in the visual Planning
Marker Configuration A configuration must be set to configure what markers are shown in the visual Planning
User Setup A configuration must be set to configure settings on the visual planning per user.