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Design Details - Sequence Determination Planned Activities


This page contains a description of the priciples on which the sequence determination of stops/planned activities in the Trip in the Transportation module of 3PL Dynamics is based.

The sequence of stops/Planning Activities on a Trip is depending on the following:

  1. The value of the setting: Sequence Calculation Method on the Tab: Planning on the Transport Setup
  2. The sequence in which a user is selecting the unplanned sections or markers in the Visual planning
  3. Is the type of the (un)loading address of the type: Depot or not.

The following table shows the functionality of the sequence determination on the planned activities:

Setting: Sequence Calculation Addres Types on section Determination of sequence Combining (Un)Loading adddresses
Container/FTL No impact Per section, first the load- then the unloadactivity. No
Groupage No impact Sequence of selecting will be the sequence unloading. Loading sequence in reverse order Yes, if addressno. and activity type are same
Distribution Loading: Depot
Unloading: No Depot
Sequence of selecting will be the sequence unloading. Loading sequence in reverse order Yes, if addressno. and activity type are same
Distribution Any other combination than Loading: Depot - Unloading: No Depot Sequence of selecting will be the sequence loading. Unloading sequence in reverse order Yes, if addressno. and activity type are same
  • When a user selects unplanned sections and adds these sections to a trip containing planned activities a warning will be shown that a sequencenumber is already in use. The user will manually have to adjust the load- and/or unload sequence on the unplanned section to plan the activities in the required sequence.
  • When a user selects unplanned sections and adds these sections to a trip on which the first loading action is in status 50-FINISHED the unplanned sections will be added per section, first the load- then the unloadactivity.


The following settings are applicable on Sequence Determination Planned Activities.

Setting Description
Transport Setup The parameter: Sequence Calculation Method on the Tab: Planning is applicable on the determination of the sequence.