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Function: Create Order from Shipment


Object Id: 11191174 Function Id: 1

Purpose of function

The function will create a TMS-order based on the WMS-Shipment.

Application Area

The function can be used in the status-template of the WMS-shipment. The function can be used in a one-business-central-company as well as a multi-company. For a multi-company-environment an additional function must be added to the TMS-order-status-template. Use the CU:11154680(Status function), function-id: 90(Data integration) and Message-type: RCV-SHIPMENT-TO-ORDER. |


Best is to execute this function after a WMS-shipment is allocated. At that moment the number of expected carriers is available. When the shipment is ready for shipping this function can be executed for a second time. The action number of carriers and its contents are determined so an update to the TMS-order can be executed. The TMS-order goods line the carriers and trade-items can be consulted.


When updating a WMS Shipment the Goods-lines, Carrier-lines and Trade-item-lines on the related TMS-Order will be deleted and created as new.


Name Description
GROUPING CODE Fill in the code of the Transport Carrier Grouping. This will determine how the expected carrier quantities are calculated
DUPLIC ADDR SEARCH Apply duplicate address search.
USE ADDR CHECKSUM Use address checksum to find duplicates.
BILL-TO AS SELL-TO Use bill-to customer as sell-to customer.
PLANNED AS (UN)LOAD Use planned start/end date as loading/unloading dates.
BUILDING FROM ADDR. Use building address no. as from address instead of sender address no.
ORDER TYPE CODE Use this order type code instead of the shipment order type code.
NO ORDER TYPE UPDATE Yes: The order type in the TMS-order will be updated. No: the order type in the TMS-order will not be updated.