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Resource assignement


By setting up Resource assignments default combinations of resources can be set.


When a truck or trailer has a default other resource it is adviced to set up the resource assignement. In the resource dispatcher the combininations will be presented automatically. Also assigned resources will be added automaticaly to a trip when a resource is planned on a trip.

Resource Assignment

Field Description
Resource Type The type of the resource, for example: truck or trailer.
Resource No. The Id of the resource to which the line applies.
Resource Description The description of the resource.
Assingment Type Select the required type of resource which has to be linked.
Assingement No. Selecct the required resource which has to be linked.
Assignement Description The description of the linked resource.
Shift code
Valid From Date The date on which the combination is effective.
Valid From Time The time on which the combination is effective.
Valid To Date The date on which the combination is ending.
Valid To Time The time on which the combination is ending.

When the Resource Assignement screen is openened from a resource-card only the lines applicable to that resource will be shown.